Rear Of 35 Harrowby Street, Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire, BL4 7BR
Customer reception: | 9' 2'' x 7' 3'' (2.789m x 2.211m) uPVC entrance door, single glazed window, reception desk area, gas meter. There is an external roller shutter to the pedestrian door. |
Ground floor workshop: | 9' 1'' x 9' 10'' (2.766m x 2.997m) This is predominantly open plan with vehicle access folding timber doors to the front, single glazed windows to the front, and offers superb space for engineering works and probably have whole variety of industries. There is a section off separate WC room, wash hand basin, water meter. The maximum head height is around 3.931m and there is a first floor mezzanine storage area which is around 2.7 66X 2.997 this needs to be accessed via a ladder. |
Staff room/kitchen: | 11' 8'' x 8' 1'' (3.562m x 2.466m) Stainless steel sink, wall mounted cabinets, uPVC window to the rear, wall mounted fuse box. |
Storeroom: | 8' 3'' x 5' 11'' (2.505m x 1.805m) |
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Property: Rear Of 35 Harrowby Street, Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire, BL4 7BR
Auction: Online Auction - 26/03/2025
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Property: Rear Of 35 Harrowby Street, Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire, BL4 7BR
Auction: Online Auction - 26/03/2025
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